And he saith unto them, Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith? Then he arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm.

After loosing three leaders this year due to cancer, the talk in all T.V shows, radios, gazettes and probably most blogs is about Cancer. Everyone is scared, they are all sending solutions for the disease, don’t eat this don’t drink that, don’t do this, don’t do the other.
Everyone is out for a solution or remedy. The naked truth is, we shall all die at some point in life, whichever way.

Deuteronomy 31:8
He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.

It’s like a wind that has been blown in the country called cancer its the talk now. There are free cancer screening all over the country. The fear around is too heavy on the children of God, everyone is scared and terrified. We have been shaken by the disease.
Fear is an inner tension or agitation of believing in the unseen that might or never happen.>NEGATIVE BELIEVE.
Faith is an inner confidence or conviction of the unseen that shall come to pass.>POSITIVE BELIEVE
With Faith, it eases the heart with a godly peace knowing you can’t control your today or tomorrow and let it all to GOD. Fear, it steals away the inner peace and makes us restless and distressed over things we can’t control or have charge over.

Fear is the devils most used and powerful weapon, while Faith is the secret to the Kingdom of GOD. The devil is aware of what Faith can do, so he messes up your High level of Faith and turns it into fear, because he knows when you are afraid you are faithless and when you are faithless you are powerless!!!!!! Faith keeps us in the light, and gives us hope for a better tomorrow, while fear on the other hand overwhelms us in darkness and crushes the little hope!!! In real sense, our fear over tomorrow, the future it is; due to our finances, unemployment, diseases, deaths, wars, division, we are afraid of what might happen yet we can’t control it.

God wants us to entrust our worries to Him and we surrender them by BELIEVING in HIM alone, since He is our only hope. Don’t let your hope be shut by small life fears, if you can’t solve or control something stop overthinking it over and over, it only stresses your mind up and jogs it over nothing.

Worrying steals your current joy and makes you use all your energy on unnecessary pains to your heart. Anything that is beyond your control leave it to GOD and let Him take the wheel in your life.

ISAIAH 43:1b
…Do not fear, for I have redeemed you;
I have summoned you by name; you are mine.


  1. ISAIAH 43:1b
    …Do not fear, for I have redeemed you;
    I have summoned you by name; you are mine.. Completely loved this article especially this awesome verse here


  2. This speaks volumes, no need to be afraid.
    Exodus 14:14 The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still.”

    God’s in control.


  3. Great piece you are such an inspiration,go girl.The wisdom you possess makes you unique and special.May He leadeth you always.💪💪🌞


  4. Wow ! When you are afraid you are faithless and when you are faithless you are powerless !!
    That one really caught me…
    Such an amazing piece Dee ! 💜


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