GUARD your heart,with all DILIGENCE


Above all else, guaryour heart,
    for everything you do flows from it.

If you ever spotted a swarm of 🐝 🐝 bees hanged on a tree, there is always a number buzzing around, those are the soldier bees!!! the queen is always at the center.You can never get to the queen of the bees without being attacked by several soldiers with the sting, she is undercover,

The bee soldiers risk their lives so as to keep safe the queen who is their life!!!!

In a country, for instance, Kenya, if you wanted to pay a visit to a prominent leader or any other person in the highlights you must have an appointment, you don’t just surprise these people, protocol is observed. These are the places where you have to produce your ID card since IDENTITY is also required for security purposes….there are always security systems ahead of the most important things and people, like the army which protects the heads of a country🤔

The wise saying of Solomon the son of David, was precise,

GUARD your heart!!!

*Why are we guarding the heart???

*What’s so important about the heart??

* How are we guarding it and from what are we guarding it from???

The good book is clear that the heart is the WELLSPRING OF LIFE,other versions state that EVERYTHING YOU DO FLOWS FROM IT,

And if a country can use hundreds of men to guard one man because he is the president of the country (LIFE) what do you guard your heart with???since that’s your whole life’s center.

If your heart stopped beating today, your existence is put on a stop,🛑 .

but as long as it’s beating, it should be guarded!!!!

Not all information is fed to the heart,……Test & approve what’s right and wrong. So and so said this about you and you just open wide the gates to your heart and stored the information there for future reference??? For HEAVEN’S sake throw and kick that out of your heart with immediate effect, it only makes you sad and ruins your moods….your heart is your Life, you only put in what adds in life there.

Not all people are for the heart, some are for life lessons, not all deserve a space in your heart,(life)they will mess you deep there. Identify those who choose you, those who are for you, don’t go letting them all in!!!! Furthermore, a crowded room is a stuffy room!!🧐Avoid unnecessary Heartbreaks !!!!!!

Be the Chief head of your heart, guard it with all diligence, keep it away from toxic talks, toxic people or experiences,

Don’t make it a doormat for all kinds of dirt!!! Don’t let people or things rub their dirt on you.

Stop 🛑 entertaining negativity in it, it is precious it requires a lot of Care and protection. Keep feeding it with Positivity. Avoid things or people that drain your energy off, avoid comparing yourself to certain people, you are only making your heart bleed, give yourself time to grow and learn.

If your heart is filled with the right things so is your life❤❤ since your heart is your life, and note not other peoples heart but your heart!!!! And your heart will always be where your likings, desires, preferences, everything you admire and give a thought is what your heart opens for!!!!

matthew 7:21 For your heart will always be where your riches are.

Guard it away from anything that kills your purpose,

Guard it away from anything that kills your goals

Guard it away from anything that steals your joy

Guard it away from anything that makes you bitter, angry

Guard it away from anything that blocks your peace

And above all guard it away from things that take away GOD out of your heart because that’s where he dwells…

Ephesians 3:17, NLT: “Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong.”

Let GOD be the great GUARD of your heart, wherever He is, there is Victory.

Troubles can never overwhelm you, neither life fears, as long as your heart is GUARDED, your life is safe❤❤❤

Guard your heart with the right sources,there’s no life without counterattacks but if guarded right you overcome,guard it with the WORD OF GOD.We are living in the days where suicide has become the solution of so many problems,if not suicide we are running away to addictions that will make us feel safe. If you let CHRIST JESUS,guard it you become an OVERCOMER.

Whatever you fill your heart with is what you give, If it’s filled with pain, bitterness, this is what flows in your life, you live a bitter life, you are bitter with almost everyone and everything since, we are only able to give what is in us!?!?!!! We are able to share joy if it is IN us!! We share love if it is US.


A good person produces good things from the treasury of a good heart, and an evil person produces evil things from the treasury of an evil heart. What you say flows from what is in your heart.


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