1 PETER5:8-10

Be ALERT,be on the WATCH!!your enemy,the DEVIL,roams round like a roaring lion,looking for someone to DEVOUR.

Be FIRM in your FAITH and resist him,because you know that your fellow believers in all the world are going through the same sufferings.

But after you have suffered for a little while,the GOD of all GRACE,who calls you to share his eternal GLORY in union with CHRIST,will HIMSELF perfect you and give you firmness,strength,and a sure FOUNDATION.

When My brother was teaching me how to drive he always told me to focus on the ROAD and nothing else,

He would insist “if you keep checking on the side mirrors it will do you no good, utajipata nje!!!!!And he would say,”you only use side mirrors while overtaking and since I was a new driver I wasnt even supposed to overtake,but my love for side mirrors acha tu 🥶🥶.He told me,side mirrors shift your attention from front to back so you have to be really familiarized with the car and the road and also a chap chap person

At first I thought he was being a know it all,and there was this word he called me KURUTIII and I always felt offended and belittled

Eventually,he would now trust me with the car based on my FOCUS level,there are places he would say,”you cant go there,you will get distracted and loose it all.

With driving if a police officer spotted you holding your phone,its a Traffic crime,whether it caused or didn’t cause any harm because a DISTRACTION from the phone can leave you totally DESTROYED,either dead, crippled,in prison or forever guilty for hitting an innocent passerby

Losses arises from the CRASH .

Distractions tend to compromise our safety.

There are 3 main types of distraction

1.Visual>taking our eyes out of the road. In driving if you look at the coming car subconsciously you always drive towards it😟😟,if you look at the flashlights of a car on the right you always drive towards it,you loose your way.if you focus at the centre of the road,you always drive centered,bila kuyumbayumba,if you concentrate on the wall you always hit the wall.

•and it so applies to our spiritual life whatever we see we perceive.

2.Manual>taking our hands out of the wheel((BIBLE)). The steering wheel is the MOST important after engaging a car to move,the car moves to where the wheel moves, the BIBLE is our WHEEL we cant go opposite of it unless we want to CRASH.It is our POINTER

3.Cognitive>taking your mind off of driving.Absentia of the mind in the reality means there is no concentration,and no concentration leads to a FATAL CRASH.•A daydreaming driver wakes up after Crashes have occurred

In our salvation journey we are all drivers ,we are all in a road driving leading to a destination ,HEAVEN IS HOME.

As a driver its good to keep the focus ON,every time we loose the focus we engulf in different life accidents.Both internal and external contributes to the interference of FOCUS

1st Corinthians7:35

I am saying this because I want to help you.I am not trying to put restrictions on you.Instead, I want you to do what is right and proper,and to give yourselves COMPLETELY to the LORD’s service without any reservation

There are a-lot of DISTRACTIONS on our way and our focus is approved by our FAITH,if we loose the FAITH we loss the grip and we cant focus and cause TRAFFIC in our lives.

Mark 4:19

But the worries about this life,the loves for riches and all other kinds of desires crowd in and CHOKE the message,and they don’t bear fruit.

SINGLES for instance your FOCUS should be on GOD Trust in HIM for a life partner,but once we allow marriage to be a distraction we loose the FAITH.We start rushing out so we can fit in like our peers who we think have settled earlier than us.Life accidents happen because our focus was lost and we focused on what was supposed to be a gift to us and made it our main life focus.

Matthew 6:33



He shall provide the rest.

In cases of life lets shun away the distractions from the enemy.Before they shun us away.

The devil is never pleased with our journey and hence,he is after our CRASHING,he uses distractions so he can get a foothold in us,


And do not give the devil a foothold

He wants a place to hold on us so he can make it a strong hold for himself

He will distract Us with ANGER so it can crash our peace out!!!

He will distract us with esteem issues and crash our BEAUTY

He will distract Us with our Past So he can crash our bright future

He will distract Us with influence So he can crash our uniqueness

He will distract With rumors and gossips so he can crash our joy

He will distract us with every little act to squeeze Us out of the focused ROAD of FAITH

Our spiritual distraction leads us to,

Trials,sin,missed opportunities,brokenness ,missed blessings, when we loose focus worry comes in and we blame ourselves.

JOHN 10:10

The thief comes only in-order to steal,kill and destroy.I have come in order that you might have life -life in all its fullness

the devil is after our DESTRUCTION

Lets keep the focus so we don’t loose the track

And remember our only focus should be CHRIST alone.

The distractions we allow in our lives define our journeys,and we end up COMPROMISING our safety in CHRIST JESUS.


Look straight ahead with honest confidence;don’t hang your head in shame.

Plan carefully what you do,and whatever you do will turn out right

Avoid evil and walk STRAIGHT ahead.Don’t go one step off the right way


  1. Wow. This the best thing I’ve read today. May Our good God continue blessing you as you inspire souls. 😍lots of love baby Dee.


    1. Powerful message …I’m getting inspired on having such a mind and write such a beautiful article too..keep it up 😍😍


  2. Shalom shalom girlfriend ,,,this is so amazing ,,,my heart is just blessed from this 🤗🤗🤗🤗God bless you


  3. wonderful inspiration especially to the young generation who .ate wondering looking for identity after losing their foothold.God bless you Diana n keep it up.


  4. Indeed God has spoken to me and many others through this…May He continue the good work He has began in you and also continue giving you the grace to reach out to many God bless you dear


  5. Woow Great piece.You are blessed may you continue inspiring and transforming souls.Soldier on💪


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